Welcome to PenSPRA!The Pennsylvania School Public Relations Association (PenSPRA) was chartered in 1969 and is an organization of school public relations professionals whose goal is to improve educational communication and support student achievement through systematic, proactive, and responsible public relations programs. |
A Message from the Board: Sarah McCluan “Just keep writing.” That was the advice from one of my first editors many years ago when I was a young reporter struggling to develop a feature story. After several failed attempts, I finally hit upon a structure that, although fairly mediocre, got the job done. The lesson: If you just keep writing, the story will come. Many years have passed since that muggy afternoon when I sat in a cramped office staring at my blank screen, hoping for some sort of divine intervention. As a career in journalism transformed into one in public relations, I had the opportunity to write hundreds of stories about people doing everything they could to make a positive difference in the world. Schools in Pennsylvania are filled with incredible educators who are passionate about making tomorrow a better place than it is right now. Their impact on students can’t be underestimated, yet so often many are unaware of the victories we see every day. Just keep writing. I recently had the opportunity to attend the 2025 PenSPRA Symposium, which featured an agenda packed with sessions designed to help school communication officers build trust and credibility with their communities. We heard repeatedly that one way to achieve this goal is to tell compelling stories. Despite changing technology, or maybe because of it, storytelling continues to resonate with almost everyone. Storytelling is more important than ever because it helps distill complex information, articulate challenges and demonstrate the significance of success at all levels of achievement.
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Learn more about PenSPRA or register to become a member here. |
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